It can be cultivated in tap water, dim or bright light, with or without gravel. Cultivation in the aquarium is usually performed by tying or glueing the roots coming from the rhizome to rock or driftwood, instead of planting it directly into the substrate. 'Windelov'Java fern will grow across your aquarium via its rhizome while sending leaves vertically upwards toward the light source. Windelov java fern is a lacy form of java fern thats very hardy, easy to grow, and attaches to hardscape. Originating from Southeast Asia, the plant carries the name of Holger Windelv, a famed aquarist. This unusual frond shape distinguishes it from other Java fern varieties. What makes it unique are its leaves which branch off at the tips. JThe Java Fern Windelov, a unique aquatic plant, is renowned for its distinctively split and branched leaf tips that resemble a deer’s antler. Several cultivars of Java fern exist, including the "narrow leaf", "needle leaf", "Windelov", "trident", and "lance leaf" variants. 'Windelov' Java fern is as easy to grow as normal Java fern - it thrives even under low light and it is not demanding.

Java fern is one of the most popular plants in the aquarium hobby, due to its aesthetic appeal and ease of care. This aquatic fern is suitable for nearly all aquarium conditions and is highly adaptable, making it a common choice for hobbyists of all skill levels. The plant can propagate through small adventitious plants formed on older leaves, which attach themselves to hard substrates. Java Fern Windelov is a popular variation of Java Fern in the planted aquarium community. Found in its natural habitat growing attached to roots and rocks, it can grow in both fully and partially submerged environs. It is a highly variable plant with several different geographic varieties that vary in leaf size and shape.

Leptochilus pteropus, synonym Microsorum pteropus, commonly known as Java fern after the Indonesian island of Java, can be found in Malaysia, Thailand, Northeast India and some regions of China. Growing in the west peninsula of Malaysia Mar Are you looking for useful tips on caring for java fern to keep your aquarium green and livelier Well, if you are new at keeping a fish tank at your home, you must be thinking, which plant will be the best for your aquarium.